
FBOTU Spotlight: Hillbillies Ever After

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Chris Lange, adorable creator of Capitol Hillbillies. Future FBOTM material, don’t you think?

This week we’re wrapping up the FBOTU Spotlight on Capitol Hillbillies by Chris Lange. I’d like to thank Chris again for sharing his work and insights with us. One of my favorite parts about this gig is getting to interact with the LGBTQ artists and creators who are doing the work, making it happen and putting it out there for all the world to see. I’m sad to see Chris’s installments on the site end, but happy that I can still get new Capitol Hillbillies strips every week at You can also follow the Capitol Hillbillies crew on Facebook and Twitter.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the FBOTU Spotlight. We’ll be featuring a new artist in a few weeks. For now, you can still check out the strips Chris has shared with us here. Plus, you can check out some of Chris’s other work on his Tumblr page.

Thanks, Chris!

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