Being Human (US): Parents Just Don’t Understand

What’s funny about Being Human is that underneath all the blood, sex, violence and angst, there always lives a message with heart. It’s what I keep referring to as those “Hallmark moments” in every episode. While they can sometimes be sappy, the message here is pretty sound and perfectly clear. “You never know what you’re capable of until you’re driven to protect the ones you love.” And much like movies on the aforementioned channel, two words describe this episode, but for very different reasons.

Train wreck.

This episode, “Mama Said There’d Be Decades Like These,” opens with some pretty startling news. Josh discovers that a dying patient in the hospital is Rena Malik, Sally’s mom. Sally comes and sits vigil with her father, sharing unheard memories with him until the inevitable happens. Luckily, she convinced Josh to get her mom into a halfway decent outfit. Who wants to spend eternity in an open-backed gown? Too drafty.

But despite the heartfelt mother-daughter reunion, Sally’s suggestion to “go check on dad” is met with lackluster enthusiasm. Why is this show filled with such obvious secrecy? It is truly painful to watch, just like every awkward moment with Sally’s mom for the rest of the show.

Aidan spends most of the show confronting his own “father,” Bishop, who re-appears as a result of his blood-drunken binges. Like any good father, Bishop taunts Aidan, pushes his buttons, and tells him what to do while Aidan pretends he’s not there. He doesn’t want to look like a lunatic. To be honest, I thought I was watching Supernatural for a minute. Didn’t the same thing just happen to Sam Winchester with Lucifer? With the same actor? Is Bishop Lucifer or is Lucifer Bishop? Sometimes crossover episodes can be confusing.

Bishop questions every aspect of Aidan’s humanity and taunts him about his ruthlessness and lust for power. No matter what, Bishop says, Henry has to be killed, but after a rooftop stake-duel, where Aidan has his “son” pinned, he just can’t do it. Parents protect their children at all costs, and Aidan vows to make things right with Henry.

Nora has been M.I.A. since the last full moon. Two detectives investigating the death of Nora’s ex-boyfriend confront a tortured Josh at the hospital. Panicked, he shifts into “Tell Tale Heart” mode. First, Josh confronts Connor and Brynn about Nora, but they defend her vengeance. They acted as a pack to solve her problem and now they’re hiding her somewhere. Josh goes home and, in an awkward “wife-nagging” interaction with Aidan, he begs for help from the “vamp cop.” Denied, he goes to the cop on his own and offers up the purebreds in exchange for protecting Nora.

In his paranoia, Josh leads the investigating detectives straight to his incriminating evidence-filled storage locker. A cage, videotapes and claw-damaged walls, none of that looks suspicious, right? Luckily, the vamp cop arrives and compels them to believe Josh isn’t their guy. His deal with the devil has been sealed.

At mom’s funeral, Sally catches Rena making hot and heavy with an old, dead neighbor, Mr. Patterson, who died when she was 10. She is forced to confront the supernatural, extra-marital reality. Rena admits that she’s been mourning for years, and that in protecting Sally from the truth, she failed to protect her from Danny. Seeing Sally imprisoned in the house where she died is her idea of hell.

In the end, love prevails, and our roommates all see where “protecting the ones you love” gets them. Aidan can’t kill Henry, and Bishop warns Aidan, “The father can never kill the son. The son always kills the father. You will see.” Now, that’s ominous. Josh sacrifices the purebreds and any pack loyalty in order to save Nora, and he pays an unknown price in doing so. And Sally learns that life goes on when we aren’t there, and people who love us protect us despite our total oblivion.

It’s too bad Rena doesn’t stick around to protect Sally next week. Nut-job, psycho Danny comes home to finish Sally off. Apparently he didn’t kill her enough the first time.

Jim C. is a sci-fi/supernatural/federation/superhero/Cylon teacher nerd, obsessed with TV, books and film. He spent his childhood reading comics, writing morbid horror stories and being the token tormented class homo, but he thinks he turned out pretty freakin’ awesome. image

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